N a t u r n o v a

What do we offer for your #agrofuture?

Discover the solutions best fitting your needs! We see nature differently, and provide natural solutions backed up by researches and trials from all over the world.

Natural Substances – Corroborants – Oils – Biostimulants – Minerals – Organic & Microorganisms

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Input technologies allow farmers and distributors with entepreneurial mindset to produce own agricultural inputs locally and sustainably.

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Support your IPM, fertilizing plan and field operations with up to date equipments! Let’s go sustainable, clean and efficient.

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Find your best multipurpose bio innovation

We help you bring the most sustainable inputs, tecnologies and equipments on your farming market, to ensure food safety and your #agrofuture

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Get all info about the latest agro innovations

Get pre-eminence in your market with soil rejuvination, circular agriculture, biocontrol & natural farming!

Most common agricultural issues (different countries)

Organic and efficient biopesticides

Nullam mi sapien, vehicula nec urna eget, venenatis iaculis metus. Suspendisse pharetra fermentum mattis. Sed dictum aliquam aliquam. Sed dignissim justo interdum libero elementum ultricies.

Soil compaction and mineral fertilizers

Nullam mi sapien, vehicula nec urna eget, venenatis iaculis metus. Suspendisse pharetra fermentum mattis. Sed dictum aliquam aliquam. Sed dignissim justo interdum libero elementum ultricies.

Why shift to integrated or organic agriculture

Nullam mi sapien, vehicula nec urna eget, venenatis iaculis metus. Suspendisse pharetra fermentum mattis. Sed dictum aliquam aliquam. Sed dignissim justo interdum libero elementum ultricies.

Here's your takeaway

Want to learn more about effective innovative natural fertilizers, biocides and agro inputs? Schedule a free consulence!
Would you like to test some products and see results first hand? Schedule a free shipment
We help you bring the most sustainable inputs, tecnologies and equipments on your farming market, to ensure food safety and your #agrofuture.


Any question without answers down here! Reach us at luca@naturnova.it // west.africa@naturnova.it

Most of times, yes! But let us know what you’re using, and the status of your crops. For example, We dont’ want to match fungicides or bactericidal products with Naturnova organic micro-organisms! It’s double waste in one move

Naturnova mainly follows two channels, using its nearest available warehouse in China, India, Italy,Brazil or Spain.
– Samples / retail orders: Door to door shipment.
– Wholesale : Usually FOB or CIF terms

Naturnova is a network of agricultural inputs producers, professionals, agronomists and scientists; we work with industries, importers, exporters,distributors and sometimes big scale final users.

Naturnova thrives on mutually beneficial export partnerships, and is always looking for exporters of innovative solutions too.